Tang joined our team in 2015. She is a Belgian Quarter horse cross. Belgian Draft horses are the most popular draft horse breed in the United States - they outnumber the rest of the draft breeds combined! This isn't surprising, given their calm, even temperament, and versatility. Tang joined us in March of 2016, and is about as sweet as they come! She lights up any time someone comes to visit her, and always has a smile on her face, no matter what she's doing.

Macho joined our team in 2016. He is a miniature horse, measuring in at only 32" tall! Miniature horses are known for being friendly and interactive, and are commonly used to pull carts. Macho is loves people, is very well trained in driving, and has a slew of fun tricks up his sleeve! He has a lot to teach his students.

Clove is a registered paint horse who joined our team in February of 2022. She loves being around horses and humans, especially if scratches are involved. Clove is a great partner with all our participants.

Fireball is joined our team in August of 2022. He is a mini horse who can carry young children and pulls a cart. He has a big personality and is sure to brighten your day.

Blackjack joined the team in December 2022. Don't let his jet black color fool you, he is a registered Paint! Blackjack loves easy rides as he enters his early 20's.

Dude joined the team in December 2022. He is a quarter horse who is sure to take care of his rider. He is a smooth mover who loves to walk, trot, and canter!

Trigger joined the team in December 2022. He is a mini with a lot of personality, who came from Victory Ranch. Trigger can carry small children and is sure to be your best friend.